Description Victorian Gardens is a traditional family amusement park featuring one-of-a-kind handcrafted rides, games of chance, classic concessions, face painting and live entertainment.

With rides that are specifically geared to ages 2-12 years old and can also accommodate adults of all sizes, Victorian Gardens has the unique ability to cater to its niche market in a safe and controlled environment.
Address Wollman Rink, Central Park
New York City
United States of America
Phone number 212-982-2229
Fax number 973-334-6880
Nearest subway/
train station
5 Av/59 St (N, Q, R)
Nearest bus stop 5 Av/East 60 St (M2, M3)
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Submission Date 05:03:2013 (Edited )

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Longitude: -73.974449