Description Sive, Paget & Riesel, PC is a leader in the field of environmental law and litigation in New York.

The firm has been a pioneer in environmental law for over forty years and continues to be an industry leader in environmental law, development & land use, commercial & employment litigation, and municipal law.
Address 460 Park Avenue
New York City
United States of America
Phone number 212-421-2150
Fax number 212-421-1891
Nearest subway/
train station
59 St (4, 5, 6)
Nearest bus stop E 57 St/ Park Av (QM21, X10, X10B, X17, X17J, X63, X64, X68)
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Submission Date 10:02:2013 (Edited)

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Latitude: 40.7615825
Longitude: -73.971049