Description Indian Restaurant serving authentic, vegetarian and Kosher food made with fresh ingredients. Vegan and gluten-free options available. Located in Greenwich Village.

All our dishes are prepared fresh to order with wholesome natural ingredients and in accordance with Kosher Dietary laws. Food Allergy: If you are allergic to any food, please inform the waiting staff. Many of the ingredients, spices, nuts, and herbs are not listed in the menu descriptions. Call to inquire about Vegan and Gluten-free dishes.
Address 210 Thompson St
New York City
United States of America
Phone number 212-533-7290
Nearest subway/
train station
Houston St (1, 2)
Nearest bus stop W Houston St/Sullivan St (M21)
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Submission Date 03:02:2020 (Edited)

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Latitude: 40.728734
Longitude: -73.999148