Description Park Avenue Properties is a real estate broker of residential and multifamily properties in Manhattan. We provide a unique and diverse set of services and listings that provide maximum value to clients.

At Park Avenue Properties, we maximize the upside potential of every transaction, both commercial and residential, using rigorous market research and negotiation.
Address 79 Madison Avenue
New York City
United States of America
Phone number 877-249-1022
Nearest subway/
train station
28 Street Station (4, 6)
Nearest bus stop Madison Av & E 28 St (BxM3, BxM4, BxM11, BxM18, M1, M2, M3, X63, X64, X68)
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Listing Views 111 listing views.
Submission Date 01:12:2020 (Edited )

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Latitude: 40.744109
Longitude: -73.985342